5 Wellness Books You Should Try To Read

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I didn’t read so much as a teen but I’ve fallen in love with reading now as an adult and my favorites these days are wellness books. 

Self-care goes beyond a spa day or a me-time. You gotta feed your mind as well as and take care of it.

Health and wellness is a topic that’s so close to my heart and investing in this area of your life is paramount to self-care and self-love.

If you enjoy reading and love taking care of your self then I bet you will enjoy this little curation of the best wellness books to read in 2019.

These books can offer realistic, tangible ideas and advice on how to live a healthier life.

I just pop my headphones in and enjoy my ebooks with Amazon Audible so I can listen and carry on with other activities.


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7 Of The Best Wellness Books To Read In 2019

Whole Beauty: Daily Rituals and Natural Recipes for Lifelong Beauty and Wellness

This book is for those of us that suffer from chronic illnesses. When you deal with such in your life, you tend to be very careful with following any kinds of trends online.

Shiva Rose, who is an actress was able to discover a more holistic way to natural health and beauty.

She explains how she grows her own organic herbs and flowers in this book; mixing creams, lotions, and tonics; and following Ayurvedic practices and creating mindful rituals. 

She has not only healed her life but has also become a leader and entrepreneur in the world of all-natural beauty and lifestyle. 

If you are all about the natural and holistic way of life, then I highly recommend this book to you.

The Wellness Revelation: Lose What Weighs You Down So You Can Love God, Yourself, and Others

The Wellness Revelation: Lose What Weighs You Down So You Can Love God, Yourself, and Others

This is your jam if you are a fitness enthusiast. Alisa Keeton puts a spin on weight loss by centering on this topic around the love of God. 

This book will challenge you to get fit with God so that He can free you to complete your purpose.

She teaches that when we get fit physically as well as spiritually, we will be better equipped to love and serve others. 

The Wellness Revelation is divided into an eight-week course. It includes a teaching from Alisa, weekly assignments, and questions. 

Bare: A 7-Week Program to Become the Bravest, Most Unstoppable Version of You

Bare: A 7-Week Program to Transform Your Body, Get More Energy, Feel Amazing, and Become the Bravest, Most Unstoppable Version of You

Susan Hyatt teaches in this book how to treat your body with love, and respect—not hateful criticism. 

Also, she explains how to de-stress at the end of the day without relying on excessive food, alcohol, Netflix binging, and other habits that clog up your mind and drain your energy. 

I call Bare the mind detox book because that is exactly how you will feel after reading it. 

This is a must-read book if you want to take care of yourself, enhance your mental and physical health,  achieve your goals,  and feel like your best self while doing it.

High Vibrational Beauty: Recipes & Rituals for Radical Self Care

High Vibrational Beauty: Recipes & Rituals for Radical Self Care

When you’ve already eating clean, working out, and your body by returning to a clean natural state. High Vibrational Beauty will help you align your beauty routine with the other wellness practices that you already follow.

What we put on our skin is easily as important as what we put in our mouths but this book shows that natural beauty is about much more than just buying products.

Through routines, recipes, and rituals, High Vibrational Beauty addresses beauty from the inside out and vibrancy from the outside in.

The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox

The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox

By following Katie Wells’ simple detox plan, you’ll be able to implement a system for better living by reducing toxic exposure, transforming your diet, and regaining control over your health.

She provides practical tips in 5-step Lifestyle Detox for slowly incorporating this rewarding lifestyle into an already busy schedule, giving you the option to choose what area of life you’d like to work on first.

You can detox your body with whole foods and natural medicines; clean up your beauty regime with all-natural moisturizers, cleansers, hair products, and makeup; get rid of toxic household products that include bleach, ammonia, and acids for you and your family.

Yoga for Wellness: Healing with the Timeless Teachings of Viniyoga

Yoga for Wellness: Healing with the Timeless Teachings of Viniyoga

Everyone is finally catching on to what Eastern Asian countries have known for thousands of years.

That yoga is not only a great, low-impact way to increase flexibility and reduce stress, but is also beneficial in healing any number of afflictions, from common aches, anxiety to emotional setbacks.

What I love about this book is how easy it is to follow as a beginner. It emphasizes the physical as well as the spiritual components of healing through yoga.

Gary Kraftsow starts with a general introduction to yoga. Then includes techniques designed to combat ailments. 

Recommended Read: 8 Healthy Morning Habits That Changed My Life

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