Soul-Satisfying Things To Do In Your 30s For A Better 50s

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From the moment I struck 30 my goal has been swapping out old habits one by one for healthy ones that can benefit me when I’m in my 50s.


I started with aking dietary changes because of some underlying health issues prevalent in my family.


Then I also made some structural changes in my home, formed new habits for my mental health and made necessary changes to my social life.


I’m sharing with you 30 things you can do in your 30s to make your 50s better!



1. Make sure you sleep at least 8 hours a day. Sleep is very important for your well being; your body and mental health. If you are not sleeping well, start practicing a bedtime routine for a better night’s rest.



2. Cut out processed sugar from your diet. Sugar causes weight gain, weight gain leads to other health issues that can manifest later in life.



3. Up your water intake, water is very beneficial to your skin and blood flow. It also helps flush out toxins from your body. Form a habit of drinking at least 2 liters a day or spruce it up by using a fruit infuser water bottle



4. Keep your stress levels down. Some situations are just very stressful and hard to avoid but make it a habit to destress after a long day.

See: 15 Stress Relieving Items For People With Mild Anxiety 



5. Get into the habit of working out. Keep your muscles moving to remain active while keeping your weight down. You don’t have to go to the gym when you have some home workout essentials



6. Eat your veggies. Get started eating your vegetables for healthy aging and a strong heart



7. Your 30s can be hard on friendships — you are busy with career, kids, and marriage. Make time to talk on the phone, get together over the weekend and go on that trip. If being young and alone sucks can you imagine being alone in your 50s?



8. Focus on your work-life balance. Striking a balance between your home life and your work life is critical. Take some time to sit back and reflect on making changes. 



9. Take some time off to travel. Going backpacking doesn’t count here. This time, stay in a nice hotel with a spa for a pamper treatment: self-care!



10. Plan for your retirement. Your 30s are two decades away from your 50s. Saving money is not always easy so you may want to start as soon as you can.



11. Learn to love yourself. REALLY, love yourself. Focus on what and who makes yous happy.



12. You can’t make everyone happy, so stop trying and live for you.



13. Cultivate the habit of reading. Everyone should read a good book at least twice a year. Reading also keeps your brain sharp and active.



14. Be informed about current events. Learn how the world works. TMZ is a great news source, but so is Financial Times. 



15. Start paying off your debts. Paying off debt can be a huge relief on your stress levels. 



16. Find a side hustle. Earning extra income is always a good thing. And diversifying your income sources also gives you added security in case of a sudden job loss or emergency. Blogging is a good one. 



17. Say no when you need to. When your schedule is stressing you out, and you need a break, don’t hesitate to turn down offers and take time to yourself.



18. Spend time with your family. If you’re a millennial like I am, your parents are getting older and won’t always be around.



19. Get a life insurance plan. You need this especially if you have dependents. The younger you are the cheaper it will be.



20. Get your credit score together. Having a bad credit score is very detrimental to being able to make important purchases. Start fixing it.



21. Start a self-care routine that nourishes your body, mind, and soul. Pick up healthy habits and take care of yourself.



22. Own everything about yourself. In your 30s, you tend not to care about what people think about you because you have more important things to worry about. If you happen to be someone that cares, accept yourself as you are.



23. Change your career. It is never too late to change your field if you are not happy. Go back to school or take some classes that can help you transition.



24. Sharpen your networking skills. Practice talking to random people by engaging in small talks to boost your confidence. I need this and I’m working on it. 



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  1. Amazing! Good job! I’m quite impressed; you’re younger than I. You’re full of insights. Thank you for the intention to help; there are many lives who grow with you.

  2. Sounds amazing! I’m working in all of these. I’m 33 and definitely want to have my sh*t together before my 50’s. I have a friend who’s totally not even close to getting her sh*t together and she’s older than me she’s 36 and it’s actually really sad. I give my advice but she hasn’t taken it… 🤷🏼‍♀️ I’m doing me for now. I have kids that need me my friends sort of just have to wait.

  3. Hi, i am thirty now. I feel depresed. I have move to other country for job issue. I feel so alone and sad with this new age. I hope i can handle it asap . I will try this advices . Thank u

  4. Yes! Love this article. Watching the older woman in my life has taught me so much, those who took care of themselves when they were younger have more energy, less cognitive decline and able to get around better. Also, retirement is HUGE! Those who planned live better now then when they were working and vice versa. This is such a great article and a good read.

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