How To Clear Your Mind Of Unwanted Thoughts

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As someone who overthinks things and plays out scenarios in my mind repeatedly, I often wonder how I can clear my mind of unwanted thoughts.

There are many reasons for a cluttered mind, including exciting thoughts or things that cause  anxiety. I tend to be more concerned with the former.

When I receive good news just before bedtime, I cannot sleep until at most 4:00 in the morning because of my excitement.

Therefore, I have learned a few strategies to properly handle this issue, and I am sharing them with you.

7 Ways To Clear Your Mind Of Unwanted Thoughts

1. Have A Cup Of Tea

My first instict is to try and resolve the mind chatter as soon as possible because I tend to notice it most at night when I am trying to sleep. There are some herbal teas that are great for calming the mind without containing caffeine so they do not hinder sleep.

You should avoid caffeine-containing teas during this time since they can keep you up late at night and cause you to be more alert, which can be detrimental. Honey lavender tea is usually my choice and it works fine every time.

Several studies have shown that lavender is effective in relaxing muscles and improving your sleep. 

Chamomile tea is also an excellent option due to its calming properties. A warm drink at night is usually soothing and relaxing. This is something you should try.

2. Meditate

If you are nervous about meditation, don’t be, anyone can do it, and there really isn’t a right or wrong way to meditate. Having a quiet place to practice is, of course, important.

Meditation is not necessarily about emptying your mind but rather processing your thoughts; to make peace with them and understand why they are there.

If you do this, you will no longer be bothered by those thoughts. The Audible app on my phone allows me to hear meditation recordings on my phone instead of my computer because I don’t like having my computer in bed

When you register with them, you get your first 30 days for free, as well as two audiobooks. For those who don’t want to meditate, there are thousands of audiobooks available on Audible.

3. Burn Essential Oils

Almost every evening, I use certain essential oil blends to help me feel  relaxed and less anxious before bed.

Original essential oils designed specifically for sleep can be easily found on Amazon, formulated by aromatherapists for best results. For activating your incense burner, you simply drop some oil on it. This method is not something I use very often because I’m lazy about getting out of bed once I’m tucked in.

Also, you need to ensure that you extinguish all incense burners that use a flame as part of their operation for safety’s sake. This is why it is best to opt for a flameless essential oil diffuser with a timer for auto shut-off. It’s much safer.

4. Listen To Calming Music

Also, another favorite method of mine to quiet down the late-night mind chatter. I love to listen to music but nothing with actual lyrics.

Instrumentals are the way to go with this. Listening to music with lyrics at bedtime may be aggravating that it can keep you up much longer.

A lyric may resonate with a familiar situation which may cause you to anxiety and some deep thinking. Opt for flute music or piano music.

My two favorites because the sounds produced by these instruments can be so calming and soothing. 

Get yourself some quality inexpensive wireless earbuds, don’t have to be expensive or fancy like the apple ones. Just something good enough to get the job done.

5. Write Down Your Thoughts In A Journal

Another method to empty your thoughts at bedtime is by writing all that occupies your mind down in a journal. Just pencil it down and make use of drawings and/or stickers.

Practice this as an act such that you treat your journal as if it is someone you trust. Write everything down, close it, and put it away. Some people are able to find peace of mind doing this.

6. Read A Book

If you just do not want to deal with your thoughts at all and just need a way to escape from them then reading is the way to go.

With reading, you get to utilize your mind to paint imageries and scenarios in your mind from the book you are reading.

This won’t give your mind a chance to worry about other things. Most times, I sleep off with a book on my chest.

To get you started, I’ll recommend Shakti Gawain’s book Living In The Light.

Get it on Amazon or listen to it for free using Audible’s 30-day free trial that also allows you to get two books free.

7. Crafts & DIY Projects

I find that crafts and d.i.y projects are a very good way to calm your mind as well. Not so much of a super crafty thing but I like to trim my nails and paint them especially times like these.

These sorts of activities can be fun to do. If you have a small project to complete around the house, or simply like to paint or knit then good for you!

Something to keep your those noisy thoughts at bay while you get get a moment of peace to yourself. 

Also Read: 5 Activities That Can Help Increase Positive Thinking

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