12 Habits That Sabotage Your Happiness

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The pursuit of happiness is something everyone strives for. It is the feeling of contentment, satisfaction, and joy that comes from living a fulfilling life. However, many of us unknowingly sabotage our own happiness with certain habits that we have formed over time. We will discuss habits that sabotage your happiness and provide tips for overcoming them in this post. To start, let us talk about what causes self-sabotage.

What causes self-sabotaging behavior?

Self-sabotage can be caused by a lot of things, like low self-esteem, fears of failure, unresolved past traumas, and negative beliefs and thought patterns. Additionally, it can be a coping mechanism for dealing with stress, anxiety, or other emotional challenges. The way we feel can also be influenced by external factors like social pressure, cultural messages, and family dynamics.

12 habits that sabotage your happiness

Habit 1: Negative Self-talk

Having negative self-talk is when we speak harshly and judgmentally to ourselves. It can manifest in thoughts such as “I’m not good enough” or “I’ll never be able to do this”. The way we talk to ourselves can have a significant impact on how happy we are, as negative self-talk can bring low self-esteem and a lack of confidence.

The key to overcoming negative self-talk is to recognize when it’s happening and challenge it. Never believe negative thoughts. Instead, question them. Think about if they’re true, and if not, what evidence you have to support the opposite. You can also try rephrasing your thoughts in a more positive way. Try saying “I’m working towards becoming better” instead of “I’m not good enough”.

Habit 2: Rumination

Rumination is the act of dwelling on negative thoughts or past experiences. It can lead to a feeling of stuckness and can prevent us from moving forward. It can also lead to depression and anxiety.

You have to address the underlying emotions that are causing the negative thoughts if you want to stop ruminating. Let yourself feel the emotions and then work on finding a solution to the problem instead of pushing them away. You can also use activities to distract you from ruminating, like exercise, hobbies, and socializing.

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Habit 3: Avoiding Difficult Emotions

Many of us have a tendency to avoid difficult emotions such as sadness, anger, and fear. We may use distractions like work, alcohol, or social media to avoid these emotions. However, avoiding difficult emotions can prevent us from processing them and can lead to them becoming overwhelming and causing long-term problems.

It’s important to learn to cope with difficult emotions to break this habit. You can do this by feeling the emotions instead of pushing them away. Practice mindfulness and meditation as they can help you process and accept difficult emotions. Getting advice and support from a therapist or counselor is also helpful.

Habit 4: Holding Grudges

Grudges are anger and resentment held against someone for something they’ve done or said in the past. Grudges can cause bitterness in our relationships and prevent us from moving forward.

In order to break this habit, you have to let go of anger and resentment. You can do this by practicing forgiveness, even if the person who wronged you hasn’t apologized or acknowledged their wrongdoing. Explicitly expressing your feelings to the person who wronged you is also helpful. Don’t dwell on the past, instead focus on the present and future.

Habit 5: Comparing Yourself to Others

Comparison is the act of measuring oneself against others. Having inadequacies can make us feel insecure and stop us from being content.

Focus on self-improvement and personal growth instead of comparing yourself to others to break this habit. Keep in mind that everyone’s journey is different, and you shouldn’t compare yours.

Habit 6: Focusing on Lack

Focusing on lack is the act of focusing on what one does not have, rather than what one does have. This can lead to feelings of dissatisfaction and can prevent us from being grateful for what we have.

Shifting your focus to abundance can help you overcome this habit. Keep a gratitude journal and write down things you’re thankful for every day. Also, focus on the present rather than regretting the past or worrying about the future. Focus on the good things in your life too and find the positive in every situation.

Habit 7: Procrastination

Procrastination is the act of delaying tasks or putting them off until later. It can lead to feelings of stress and can prevent us from achieving our goals.

Setting realistic goals and creating a plan of action can help you break this habit. Make tasks easier to handle by breaking them down into smaller, manageable steps. Also, make sure there aren’t any distractions and that the environment is conducive to working. Keeping track of progress and rewarding yourself for completing tasks is another way to hold yourself accountable.

Habit 8: Perfectionism

Perfectionism is the act of striving for perfection in all aspects of life. It can make us feel inadequate and stop us from being satisfied with our achievements.

Rather than focusing on perfection, let go of the need for perfection and focus on progress. Make sure you set realistic goals and remember that mistakes and failures are part of the learning process. Instead of dwelling on what’s yet to come, try focusing on the present and appreciating the little things.

Habit 9: Overthinking

Overthinking is the act of dwelling on thoughts and decisions excessively. It can make us feel confused and make us have trouble making decisions.

It’s important to practice mindfulness and focus on the present moment if you want to break this habit. Identify the triggers that make you overthink and avoid them. If you’re having trouble expressing yourself, write or talk to a friend. Take action instead of dwelling on the possible outcomes, make a decision, and take action.

Habit 10: Blaming Others

Blaming others is holding them responsible for your problems and misfortunes. It can lead to feelings of resentment and can prevent us from taking responsibility for our actions.

Taking responsibility for one’s own actions and decisions is key to breaking this habit. Take steps to improve your future performance by identifying the role you played in a situation. Also, try to communicate effectively with others, rather than placing blame. Also, focus on solutions instead of problems.

Habit 11: Ignoring Your Needs

Ignoring your needs is the act of neglecting one’s own well-being and personal needs. It can lead to feelings of burnout and can prevent us from living a fulfilling life.

Identifying and prioritizing your needs is the key to breaking this habit. Find out what makes you happy and fulfilled, and try to incorporate those things into your daily routine. Communicate your needs effectively and set boundaries with others. Be sure to take care of yourself by getting enough sleep, eating healthy, and exercising.

Habit 12: Staying in Toxic Relationships

Toxic relationships are those that are harmful to someone’s health and well-being. In some cases, it can lead to feelings of low self-worth and prevent us from living a happy and fulfilling life as a result.

In order to break this habit, you have to recognize the signs of a toxic relationship and take action. Set boundaries with the other person and communicate your feelings. Also, try to surround yourself with positive and supportive people. You can also get professional help like counseling or therapy to work through your emotions.


This blog post discusses 12 habits that sabotage your happiness and how to overcome them. Keep in mind that change is a process that takes time. Make sure you are patient with yourself and do not hesitate to seek help if necessary. You can take steps toward living a more fulfilling life by working on these habits. Happiness is a journey.

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